If you don't already know who I am and just stumbled onto my site, I am a Cleveland area wedding and portrait photographer. I have been into photography since a very young age, (I think every photographer says that....) But really, I have! My first camera was one of those ones that looked kind of like an ice-cream sandwich.... Mmmmmmmmmm Ice Cream! Anyway, it took those little 110 film cases and used the little flash cubes that you stuck on the top, sweet right! Needless to say, I had a very extensive portfolio of poorly composed finger shots early on.
Enter the high school years.... I took photography I and II while in high school and learned the basics of true black and white photography. (still a love of mine today) We used an old fully manual Pentax camera, don't even ask me what it was, I have no idea.... but Mr. Malone taught us everything about it. He also taught us how to go into a dark room, take the film out, roll it onto the little film roller thing and put it into the light tight tank for developing. Then into the dark room to make prints. Wow! Yeah, we did it all ourselves! Pretty cool stuff....
Fast forward to 1990, Germany - Purchased my first real camera on my own from the base PX. Oh yeah, I joined the army.... My first duty station was just outside of Frankfurt, Germany. Loved it over there, would love to go back someday.... So anyway, I bought a Minolta 3000i it was fully Automatic and had a 50mm 1.8 lens on it. I carried that thing everywhere.... This picture was actually taken in Portugal from a hotel room where myself and three of my good buddies stayed on a trip we took from Germany, through Spain, France and Portugal.... In four days.... I do love a good sunrise or sunset.... From there my next 180

So fast forward once again to about 3 years ago.... I had set down my camera for quite a while and followed other passions in my life, mainly music and playing drums in a couple bands. Most notable, InBred Jed! Woooooooooooooo! The Bred Heads know what I'm talking about.... Yeah, anyway.... After moving to Cleveland, Ohio and meeting my wife and her two boys, the camera once again found it's way back into my life. Only this time in the digital format. Wow, this was great a 3.1 mega pixel camera. I could take like 50 shots and download them to my computer and not have to go to the lab and pay for prints. Went from there to a Fuji 5.1 mp S5200, man this is so cool! Then onto an Olympus E500 8.1 mp with two lenses, now we're talking. The more pictures I took the more the love grew and grew and within a few months of getting that Olympus, I had to have even better.... An that is when my wife and I talked about me doing something with this passion. I decided to start a business. I bought my first Canon 40D 10.1 mp pro camera and it has been an incredible ride over the past year. Fifteen weddings later, I am in my second year of business and more in love with photography than ever before. When I look through that lens and see this on the other side,
