Hello from Vietnam once again! I just want to start out by saying thank you to everyone for all the "likes" and awesome comments. It has been an inspiration to continue working hard everyday to make sure I get my blog posts up regardless of how tired I am.... and believe me, there were a couple of days when we'd spend 10 hrs on the road, then gone running around after checking into our hotel and I was literally falling asleep sitting up waiting for pictures to upload to the blog.... I hope you all continue to enjoy what you're seeing and please keep the comments coming! With that, here is today's post....
We visited an orphanage just outside of Da Lat this morning and couldn't believe how incredible this place was. We also got invited back tomorrow for a Festival of the Children so the pics from that should be great too.

The children were working hard cutting down bamboo for crafts to sell tomorrow at the festival to raise money for the center....
One of the Educators as he calls himself, spoke to my dad about what was going on, where donations come from and a basic history of the program.
One thing remains the same no matter what part of the world your in, kids are still kids and it's great to watch them play and interact with each other....
Did I mention they love blow pops!
After the orphanage we again headed up higher into the hills to see some more of the sites....
Some of the sites in this area are a new home development that is currently being built.... it looks a lot like homes you see going up in the states and I thought it important to show that it's not all poor run down towns and rural areas.... some of the homes we have seen are amazing!
and right among those homes is a small old school type village where they offer elephant rides.... which I was all set to do until is yet again started raining on us again....
And I didn't want to interrupt the poor guys bath....
Think this boat shot is my favorite shot of the day, and will most likely be on the wall somewhere when I get home from this trip....
Dorky self pic....
After the elephant tour we headed up even higher to a Buddhist Temple which I have been waiting to see since we got in country.... It is amazing how long this stuff has withstood the test of time.....
And what is better then finishing off the trip with a cable car ride? Not much!
Well maybe Planking an Elephant! Ha!
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