Ok so over the winter months when we find ourselves either unwilling or truly unable to get out and do some shooting, what do we photographers do with our time? Well, if we're truly committed, we use this time to study and learn more about the art we love. That being said, I took my love for landscape photography and did my best to try and take it to another level. I did this by trying my hand at HDR or High Dynamic Range post processing. Without getting too much into the nerdy details of how to do it, basically it is a process of merging three or more differently exposed photos into one, thus capturing the entire range of the exposures being used.
That being said, here are a few examples of what I have come up with.... Hope you enjoy! 

I'm still learning and growing as an artist every day.... and I hope to continue doing so. Looking forward to the 2010 wedding season and actually just shot my first Engagement shoot of the year on Sunday, pics are edited and delivered to the client, so I will get on posting some in the next day or so.
Thanks again for taking the time to check out the blog, hope to hear from some of you real soon!
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