Today's post is a little different than most.... Today I want to congratulate our oldest son for an incredible accomplishment. At 15 years old, he decided to run in the Cleveland 1/2 Marathon yesterday which is 13 miles long. Oh, did I mention that he decided this last week? Yeah.... anyway, he is in good shape and very athletic, but still, this isn't something to talk half hearted. People train for months to do something like this. Well, he'd made a deal with my neighbor that if he could finish the race, he would pay his entry fee.... maybe at 15 and having no job that was all the motivation a kid would need to finish a race like this one and finish he did.... Running in the 15-19 year old division, "The Ryan" as he likes to call himself, finished in 26
th place! Over all he came in 1049
th out of 9517 runners.... Wow! Great job!
So I will leave you with a few pics from the event. Will be posting a new Engagement Session shoot soon.... Keep an eye out for that!

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