Another fantastic couple and another fantastic day to shoot! Sarah and Allen love Kelly's Island, the water, and sharing a bottle of wine with friends. So with that in mind, we tried to show some of that in their engagement picutes. We started off just down the street from my studio in a small local vinyard....

Sarah & Allen are also big fans of black and white, which I am too.... so for this blog post, I chose to stick with that concept through out....
From the vinyard we went down the street yet again to one of my favorit shooting spots, the lake..... It was a beautiful calm day and would have been a great day to be out on the water. Allen and I were both bummed that we weren't able to be out there.... but soon!

One of the things that I love most about this shooting location is that nature has a way of always changing it around.... If anyone followed my site last year, you probably noticed a huge drift tree that I did quite a few shots on. Well that tree is all but gone now, so the entire landscape of the beach has changed. Being that I do shoot some of the same locations over, I constantly try to mix things up to keep it fresh. I try to use different lighting, different angles, etc to give the shots a unique perspective.
I hope you all enjoyed this shoot as much as I did.... as always, check out to see the rest of the shoot. Thanks for stopping by!